SurVegE-software for monitoring permanent plots
Bio-indicator, natural spaces, diachronic study, managementAbstract
UniVegE, Clermont Auvergne University, conducts research relating to the characterization of natural and anthropized habitats, from plant bio-indicators, for the purpose of management and conservation. Since 2005, this work has been supplemented by research and expertise relating to the diagnosis and monitoring of natural areas on permanent plots and along transects, on behalf of environmental partners: Regional nature parks, Espaces Naturels Sensibles of the departement 63, Clermont-Auvergne metropole ... In this context 51 permanent plots have been set up in natural areas of the Massif central, territories of local authorities and/or protected areas. This experience made it possible to test new monitoring methods to concretely respond to managers’ questions and lead to the development of the SurVegE software.
SurVegE (SURvey VEGetation Ecology) is an assistance software for the operator who manages natural areas. It allows, from floristic surveys carried out on bounded and georeferenced permanent plots, to characterize the floristic and ecological changes occurring between several years. The data analysis, integrated into the software and based on the values of benchmarks assigned to plant species, directly provides the comparative results quantified and illustrated, in the form of diagrams, figures and tables.
We will present here some features of the software, taking as an example concrete cases of studies carried out in the field. The sites selected correspond to different types of habitats and have been the subject of either initial reports or comparative diachronic analyses.
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