About the Journal
BIOM is a continuously published, open access journal whose general objective is to develop knowledge of the biodiversity of the French Massif central and its preservation. Manuscripts can be written in French or in English (provided that they are accompanied by a detailed summary in French).
General informations
Authors are requested to note that submission implies that the content has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere than in the form of a brief summary in the proceedings of a scientific meeting or symposium.
Once the submission documents have been prepared in accordance with the author's guidelines, the manuscripts should be submitted online at https://revues.polen.uca.fr/index.php/BIOM/about/ submissions.
The nomenclatural aspects of the articles must comply with the recommendations of the most recent editions of the International Nomenclature Codes.
Each manuscript is evaluated by at least two reviewers, one of whom is blind.
Article types
Research article: The length of these documents must be a maximum of 8,000 words (12 pages in character 10, illustrations not included), references included, but excluding additional electronic information. The submission of longer communications may be accepted on the basis of a valid explanation given in the cover letter. Shorter articles can be managed and published faster. Online supplements can be used for less essential text, tables or figures.
Brief: faunistic, floristic or fungal reports, inventories of regional naturalist collections ... are among the subjects that can be submitted. The length of the report documents can be up to 3000 words. Additional documents can be inserted in electronic annexes.